Sunday, April 13, 2008

April 13, 2008

There once was a fellow named Frank

There once was a fellow named Frank

Who grew up in a city quite dank

Fell in love with a girl

By the name of Ann Shirl

Had kids, and turned into a crank

I know that old lady named Shirley

Her grill is all artifi-pearly

She's put up with her Franks

And his fetish for spanks

And loves him good, even when surly

They've been married for forty-five years

Full of laughter and music and tears

Leven kids have they had

And you'd think they'd be dead

But they're just barely getting in gear

So to Spanks and his pearl of a girl

We say never in all the wide world

Have there been better folks

And that ain't no joke:

It's been fun, it's been wind, it's been whirl

Happy Anniversary, Fogies!


ec said...

love this.

although i think i could have lived my life without knowing about your dad's fetish;)

will you write us a poem someday? 5 years coming up in october ... get thinking.

Unknown said...

have the 'rents seen this here bit o' poetry? I see mom hasn't commented on it. might be a bad sign. i think you may be out of the will for good this time...but i liked it. except for the icky visual of mom spankin' dad. pretty sure that has never happened. here's to hoping.