The Bishop's residence in Rieti, from back in the day when ecclesiastical and political powers were one and the same. This is the arch way under the portico.

Along the Tevere, shot from the east bank looking back across at Sacro Cuore del Suffraggio (Sacred Heart of Suffrage) and the Supreme Court.

Even dead, these Italians still crane to check out the hotties. Kidding. He's looking back at the Supreme Court. Probably checking for a hitman.

Pizza night in a little paesino called "Montopoli." Presenti: the Guidara Family (Emanuele, Silvia, Carolina and Michele), the Celestini Family (Giulio, Laura, Ricardo, Claudio, Paolo, Gabriele, Angelo), the Perticarolis (Lorenzo and Lorenza, parents of Silvia) and their grandson William "Willo" Lorenzo, the Vardeu Family (Dario, brother of Laura, wife and three daughters), and of course the Pennys. Sweet little restaurant called Taverna ai Corsari at the top of one of the many hilltop paesi that are all around us here.

Riley's crush: Carolina, daughter of Emanuele and Silvia.