Ok... so he is 37 now and my gift to him is...
37 reasons why I LOVE Jon-a-thon
1. I love that he is my best friend.
2. I love that he works hard to provide for his family.
3. I love that he does not like for there to be contention between us.
4. I love his scrumptious lips.
5. I love to hear him sing.
6. I love his feet.
7. I love that he dives in and helps around the house.
8. I love that he plays basketball.
9. I love how he loves his children--enough to even be their coach and seminary teacher.
10. I love that he took us to Italy and that he had amazing friends there.
11. I love that he makes killer spaghetti (did I write that?).
12. I love that he does the dish AND tidies the kitchen, too.
13. I love that we work as a team.
14. I love how mushy he is with babies.
15. I love to hear him having a mature talk with Jonah.
16. I love his bald shins.
17. I love his dilligence with and in the Gospel.
18. I love his unconditional love and forgiveness of others. Especially me.
19. I love his wit and charm.
20. I love his hair everywhere.
21. I love to see his big blues looking at me.
22. I love that he gets the door for me.
23. I love that he is willing to care for the kids so I can get away.
24. I love when we sing Bohemian Rhapsody really loud together in the Merv.
25. I love when he snuggles with me.
26. I love that he is handy around the house even when it means drilling through cement.
27. I love our life.
28. I love his boys.
29. I love the memories we share.
30. I love that he has stuck with me through unstickable times.
31. I even love him for the times he has had to set me straight.
32. I love that he is always willing to be up with the crying baby or the bad dreams.
33. I love that he swept me off my feet and married me barely 4 months from our first (official) date.
34. I love that we have lived in 3 different countries (yes, I love you here, I love you there, I love you everywhere).
35. I love that his parents taught him well and love us both.
36. I love that he loves me everyday, not just on special days.
37. Last one.... I love him because he is the one for me: he IS my home.