Monday, December 3, 2007

Watch this space

Doant werry. Wnedy will bee blogging sune.

Coming soon:

details (and pictures) from our trip to Bountiful (probably. maybe. around there somewhere most likely.)
including camels! cows! beachfront property! coptic decorations in Lebanese restaurants!
near death experiences with roundabouts! mosquito breeding farms (in Merv)! Job's tomb (and his size 22's)!
and much, much more!

Plus: next week (insh'Allah): the funniest thing you'll ever see in your life!

Stay tuned! Don't change that dial! Or click that mouse!

Salaam post-Salalah,



ec said...

i'm hooked.

how long do we have to wait?

Amber said...

Yeah, I have checked your blog a few times already! Don't leave us hangin' like this...maybe I should be a bit more diligent on posting on my own blog, instead of anxiously awaiting new posts from you guys, "mama c" and "crash"...someday...;)

Mom Penny said...

We wait all week and this is all we get?????? Good thing we love you !!