Monday, June 30, 2008


We're here! Internet access is spotty, so we don't know how often we'll get to do this. But here is a sampling to tide you over.

Went to church yesterday. Great ward. Some few familiar faces.

My old friend Emanuele has been taking very good care of us. Had a cold supper with them last night on their terrace, and will see much of them over the next few weeks.

Wish we were better organized for the trip: my fault. But we're piecing it together. Restricted by kilometers, etc., on the car rental. And the budget will be better than exhausted by the time we're done. Oy veh!

Anyway, more when we can. Everyone says hello.


Ashley said...

So beautiful! I hope you guys are having fun!

ec said...

love these pictures. all the boys look so old, especially little jonah. kind of sad ... we sure miss you guys.

i know this goes without saying, but document your trip well.

i'm excited to see more.

Amber said...

Hello Pennys! Love the pictures! Looks like you guys are having a great time. How nice that Wendy is being hand-fed grapes! Miss you guys!