You may be wondering why we haven't posted any pictures of Jon lately. Well, the carb-rich cuisine doesn't agree . . . .
So we've been to the Al Ain Zoo twice now. The firs time was at night, and there was a lot of activity, but very few decent shots. The second time was today, and Riley took pictures of everything. We'll rummage through and find some spectacular shots to share. It really is an exceptional zoo: casually laid out, with large, natural spaces for all the animals. Even at 1:30 today, under a high sun and in 32 C, we were able to see everything but the crocs (green water), though many of the larger mammals were lolling about in the shade. (J. Young, when you come next year we'll take you around.)
They even have penguins! Last week we went to the bird show--pretty decent. Today we had a complimentary zebra-painted "train" ride: like stretch golf carts with a land cruiser engine. And it's cheap: our whole fam-damily gets in for about $10. There are large picnic spaces, hourly mistings (a cool mist dispensed over walkways), and room galore. One of the highlights.
We'll be getting to more places in the coming weeks, local and not-so. We hope to get to Salala in Oman in two weeks: this is reportedly where (for all you Mos) a certain family boarded homemade ships around 600 B.C. We'll share discoveries later. Sounds like a beautiful place, but our going depends on my holidays. Dec. 2 is a national holiday, but unless I get the 3rd off, it might be difficult to go. Anyway, we'll keep you all posted.
In other news:
Jon's job is getting tolerable, and busier. He has supervised the debate society this semester, and this week they placed third at a public speaking competition. They worked very hard, and were very sweet about everything. Bright spots occur, however infrequently, and he'll soldier on.
We bought a digital video camera this week, in hopes of improving the quality of our home videos. Problem is the mac won't recognize the file types, so we've an obstacle or two to overcome before we can start sharing the fruits.
Alberta connection: the Browns, a yank family living in Abu Dhabi that came with us to the zoo today, spoke admiringly of Elder T. Smith from Southern A. We were proud to announce that he and his son were our family doctors, and that the son and his wife were also among our very best of friends.
Two days ago we went to Abu Dhabi for American Thanksgiving. It was a lot of fun. There were three other families, all with kids of various ages, and the food was fantastic. Interesting company. Good to connect.
Al AIn Branch Times:
(Too little for its own update this week): we met in the new digs for the first time, and all agree we need rugs and curtains asap. The echo was tremendous. Three nights cleaning floors and windows last week, and there was still a fine film on the tiles that we need to remove. But it was good to be there. The BP dedicated at the outset: it was a beautiful experience. Need to set up a history.
More next week, including additional video, insh'Allah. Meantime: 6 comments on last week's post? Six comments!? Just because it was Wendy directly? I give and I give . . .
Clarificatus: I do the typing because I have the surest fingers and I know how to spell and punctuate. But most of the time everyone participates. A little R-E-S-P-E-C-T, s'il vous plait!
That's all for now. More next week, once I get over my petulance. Sniff.
Shokran. We love you, Detroit!
Sounds like you guys are having a grand ol' time. Maybe after Chris makes his millions after next summer we'll be able to take a trip out. Boys: Are you still adjusting or are you just loving it? I've said it before, and I'll say it again: What a wonderful experience you guys! Sorry about my poor writing/typing/grammar/punctuation skills Jon. Love you guys and miss you lots!
That is a sweet looking seen one so fat! Holy Abu Dabi! That just came out, I hope it's not something rude, and just a place, like I am thinking. I hope a lot of people comment for you this time, least you have your sister-in-law fan club!
That looks like quite the zoo, a bit different than Stanley Park, or don't you remember those days Jonathon? It's all very exciting to read about, and adds spice to the week. We love you guys, and miss you too.
Dont bee upsit Jawn. Speeling and gramer just is'nt as importint two sum of us....we like to get the straight dope from everyone once in awhile - emotions, reactions, thoughts. We consistently enjoy your wit, humor, and commentaries, though. Kepp itupp.
yo, yo...i was gonna try to cheer you up with some crazy freestylin' rap ya'll...but I'm not Ryan and I have 0 talent for that kind of thing. So anyway, I'm glad that you have a fabulous zoo. Very jealous. You should really watch what you are eating though, you're lookin a little bit like a primate of some sort. You're wife, on the other hand, looks fabulous. I'm glad to hear that you will soldier on with your work. And that the boys are doing well, and now I would like some pictures of the family if you please. and you better send them if you don't want me e-mailing your school account again. love to you all.
okay already, so everyone can read this, I guess that is alright. I do enjoy the blog. I can do grammar and punctuation but don't care or feel like it, but I do love hearing about you all, hang in there with the branch. What pioneers you are. love, Gramma C.
so hope ya catch this one... Amber and Darci...
OhMan=Oman The country get it ... OH Man!
Ya Man!= Yemen The country get it?
That's about it fro our rappin family.
Which typo gave away the author of this one?
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