So his birthday requests--in the absence of friends his age--were simple: he wanted Cheese Muneesh (Geez Louise, we calls it: folded naan bread with melted cheese, melted cheese curds, and cream cheese--excellent for weight loss: kidney stones, anyone?) and chocolate milk for lunch. Cheesy kid.
Our South African fan club--well, Jonah's fan club, anyway--was over-generous, as always. When we drop the eldest off to pick up our second, we always have to roll down Jonah's window so he can say hi to Charlie, the Papillon (the one with the snout).
And later he opened his presents from us: this may well be the last glimpse we get of little baby Jo-Jo. Notice that he thinks he has to be facing the camera at all times. We don't know where he gets this stuff.
"It's in a bag!"
Yes, Boboji, it's in a bag, like everything else around here.
And this was his second request: a quad run at the mall next to our complex. He's anxious to show off his mad skeelz to Grandpa Knievel in two weeks.
We have edited, for the sake of the grandmothers twain, the fiery crash stage left. The scars are not permanent. And you should have seen the other guy.
Weekly Cute: together with “the brothers,” Jonah has discovered Weird Al, and our lives will never be the same. Cute, but also obnoxious: Jonah now suspects very vocally that we think he’s “white and nerdy,” and is trying very hard not to be “a Acadian idiot.”
We are also treated to strange and new renditions of “O Candida” on a regular basis. And he very loudly proclaimed that the chandelier above our table at the restaurant the other night was “church lights,” and that he hates crying babies, especially girl ones. J and J enjoy more and more sophisticated conversations, much to Wendy's delight and astonishment. Like we said: precious in precocious, with occasional bouts of Calvinism (and we don't mean the fatalist religious reformer: we mean the kid with the pet tiger named for the Restoration philosopher).
In other cute, Riley no longer looks away during kissing scenes on movies. And Christopher continues on his path to ladykillerhood, but is serendipitously clueless about it, which as I understand it is the key to ladykillerness to begin with.
Oh, and Christopher also had a birthday: Wii bowling tournament with a few good friends, representing South Africa, Canada, India, and, well, Canada (10 points to the first person to spot the Indian). He's done a smashing job of picking friends thus far. We're waiting for the other shoe to drop.
Eleven years old. Oy veh!
(Ahem. Masha'allah.)
Hey guys, O thought the posting was never coming up this week. all those photos make me happy and sad at the same time. I'm envious of the other grandparents, big time, but I hope that you all have a lovely time anyway. Miss you. xxx
I still look away from kissing scenes...It sounds like you young uns are having a good time over there. Try not to leave too many broken hearts when you leave.
I love reading this blog! If only it made me post on my own! Happy Birthday Christopher and Jonah! The videos were awesome. We are sad to miss out on your lives from afar, as always, but now you are really far, so it seems all the more sad! Love you guys! -the Edwards clan
To quote a beloved sister-in-law ...actually I can't remember exactly how she said it so now it just seems dumb for me to try to say what she said when I can't remember how she said it. I'll be waiting for the razzing on that sentence. Anyway, Wendy used to say "fun" all the time, but made it sound like "Fu-un". Anyway, the moment has passed. Now I'm just wasting space. love you guys.
ok jonah: you win for the first video to make me laugh so hard i nearly cried. great gift opening! hey, don't take your eye off the ball.
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