Waiting to ask for our comparatively palatable poitrine de poulet, I was witness to the selection and preparation of a pair of delectable cow's feet.
These were, of course, denuded (hairless), and therefore resembled the gnarly forearms of an ancient albino hermit who'd been living underwater and developed the rare condition "oiloinfantilis secreterensis."
Anyway, the "knuckle" or "ankle" bone was cut off with a bandsaw, and then the butcher split the hooves 5/6 of the way up the foot bone. He turned the feet perpendicular to the blade again and cut each hoof in sections. the whole blamed them went into a bag and over the counter.
I dunno what you'd use them for: maybe to fish for flies and rangy cats? scare off company if the dinner party isn't going well? hide them in your neighbor's laundry room as a prank? feed 'em to fussy kids? Hey, wait a minute. That's a good idee.
Riiiileeeey! We're goin' out for dinner! Today's Special: Cow Foot Soup! Mmmooooo.
riley is a fussy kid? really?
miss you guys!
when are we going to ichat? we've never used it, so we might need some hints, tips, etc.
could you maybe have posted a warning *not for sickly pregnant women to read. honestly, that's disgusting. Jk. I can handle that, but it's still gross.
they were probably going into some kind of soup,or cooked till the meat falls off the bones. Pig's trotters(feet for you poor uneducated souls) were a treat in England, or so I'm told, along with tripe and a few other interesting things like blood pudding! And no I never ate any of it, if Riley's fussy he comes by it naturally, it's in his genes. Love you guys, xxxxxx
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