Anyway, it's nestled in the Blue Ridge Mountains, or the foothills at least, which, if it hadn't been so drizzly, would have been lovely.
A little different from the scenery around here, but I missed my desert all the same.
Hobnobbed with the bigwigs: breakfast with the Bushmans and Givens(es), chatted up Pres. Smith of SVU, talked at length with R Orman of the LDS Museum, and made many great new friends from various parts, including a solid fellow from Manchester, UK, an independent scholar from the U of U Med School, a whippersnapper on his way to greatness in Iowa, a firecracker mom and scholar from St Louis, and a dark and brooding philosopher from Texas. Finally talked with B Jorgensen and others from BYU English--men I had known about but not really talked with while at BYU. Gave B and our British colleague a ride to the airport on Sunday, and we had a nice visit. Drove the Blue Ridge Parkway, had a lovely Italian meal (terrible Pizza Margherita, but the rest was good), and nice conversation. Great, as always, to see and converse with George Handley.
Presentation went well. Lots of conversation after.
Cloud Quiz Answers: Jonah--eagle's eye, Christopher--dragon. They'd love to hear what you see.
No "This Week in Islam" this week. Still reeling from the trip, and catching up at work. So solly.
I see a goblin lying on his side.
Lovely photos Jonathon.Sounds like a very busy, productive few days.
Cute hat Jonah, good luck with those exams Christopher!
It's Aslan!
Hey! You were in Virginia and we didn't even know!? What the heck! I should really keep up with the blogs...
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