Thursday, July 3, 2008

Teaser 2

Hmm. Last several days: Roma antica, Teramo (where we found one of Jon's old friends) two days ago, Marmore Falls yesterday, Castel Gandolfo and the Via Appia Antica today.

Pics, without commentary (okay, except to say that the green shirt does not fit well. I am not that large in real life, nor do I have man boobs. Sorry mom. Hadda be said. I include the other pic as proof.):

Better proof:

Adam, I'll try to remember to get a couple of shots of the satchel by itself, just for you. But it always closes its eyes when I push the button.


Adam said...

You featured your man-purse rather nicely in your vogue rain forest shot, actually. Looks like fun, you guys. Let me know when the next Rome trip is happening and we'll join you. I'll need to get my own satchel, though.

Mom Penny said...

Hey Wendy do you put your stuff in Jonathon's 'satchel' now? role reversal, 'honey,(or Mom), do you have room in your bag for this?'
How any times have I heard that in my lifetime?

It all looks great, I hope that you are having lot's of just be still and soak in the sun and the atmosphere days too.

Mom Penny said...

PS. Are the boys having fun yet? There are some pretty serious looking pictures there, except for the minature Roman Senator, you look great Jonah!

Darren said...

love these. you guys look hot ... in more than one sense of the word.

and wendy. you look gorgeous.

we sure missed you guys at the cabin this week!


Ashley said...

Wendy, you really do look fantastic! It looks like you guys are having so much fun.