Chapter 1: Jonah in Love

As you will recall from an earlier post, Jonah is now a bona fide schoolboy. And he also has developed his first bona fide schoolboy crush. Her name is Hazel, and she makes him feel all funny inside.
Day 3: "That's my friend Hazel. Hi, Hazel! She's the best girl in the world, Dad."
Day 11: "Hazel tried to kiss me today."
"Oh yeah? What did you do?"
"I leaned way way back so she couldn't reach me." (And apparently grinned like a tomfool the whole time.)
Day 15: "Mom, Hazel told me that next year she's going to be a woman, so she'll be able to get married."
Day 16: "How was your day, Bud?"
"It was good. Hazel made me love her."
"Really? How did she do that?"
"She kissed me again and I jumped up in the air and was like all spinning around. So I decided to love her."
Ay caramba.
Chapter 2: Flirting with Disaster
All these newbies rushing around to furniture stores had us a bit nostalgic, so we went back to IKEA for a look-see. It was like we'd never moved out . . .
Come to think of it, we got some of our best work done there last year . . .
Chapter 3: New Digs? We dig!
Candidate for the new building. Fits the bill. We're working on it. Large chapelly salon, 5 additional bedrooms plus upstairs commons. Similar to what we're in now. tentative approval given.
Chapter 4: Misery loveth company.
We've had a number of move-ins to our little branch this summer. Two have yet to arrive, but one includes two young men, ages 12 and almost 16. So as of February we'll have 4 YMs, including a P, an almost T, and two Ds, as well as a YW. Whole new ball game.
Chapter 5: New kiddies on the block continued
At rear: sister to the new YM, and button-cute. She's Jo's age, and they're becoming fast friends.
At fore: possibly the cutest smile ever. There's a whole lotta shakin' goin' on chez LDS all of a sudden. We hope the prodigals make another showing, so by our count we would have as follows:
Nursery: 3
Primary: 5
YW: 1
YM: 4
Biggies: 19
Postscript: It's a Bird! It's a Plane! It's an incredibly annoying voiceover by a British journalist who apparently had the wrong kind of tea and is out of sorts, but trying to fake enthusiasm, and consequently drains us of what little we had. Props for the "white cliffs of dover." Arnold would be pleased.
You go, Icarus Boy! Buzz Lightyear ain't got nothin' on you, dawg. It's the crazies that make the world go round, then fall over, explode, and do a raspberry. And who doesn't like a raspberry? Huh? Huh? You know you do!
Oh Jonah. That's scary! Isn't he still 3? I can't get over it. Too cute.
Maybe you'll be lucky and he'll have the "Yew, Girl Germs" stage when the rest of his peers are getting hormones!!
Wow. I wonder when Air Canada is going to start offering those as the economy-economy flights. Bring your own mid-flight snack and hold onto your carry-ons.
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