Friday, January 25, 2008

Al Ain Branch (It's about) Times(!)

Sorry. We've been remiss.

Jeffy has returned to the islands. Fe and Nelson brought their daughter, Aila, back with them, and their son will come and visit in March. Numbers have been thin lately, what with work and other looming crises, but we soldier on. Shewells get back this week from Korea, so that will help. We've missed the little ankle-biters. Well, higher than ankles, really. And they don't bite.

Branch Conference in 3 weeks. Pres. B is coming.

We also have our start-up fund, so we hope to get carpets and curtains and chairs (oh my!) before the conference. The rest we can do line upon line.

And that's it. But all in all the meetings are positive and uplifting, and that's really the point. Oh (and don't be jealous), we usually run just under two hours. Suckers.

Next time: don't know. We'll surprise us.

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