Thursday, February 7, 2008


In the spirit of EC's plaintive entries on the weather, we offer this in solidarity: it ain't all beaches and cream here. . . .

In the immortal words of Nelson (not Lord) from the Simpsons: "Ha-ha!"

Hey, it's been as low as 10 degrees here in the frigid inland. We've had to wear a coupla shirts and sometimes even a light jacket. Erin: you're not alone. We feel your pain. Especially in our knees and on the soles of our feet: no inlaid carpet, no central heating. Life's hard.

1 comment:

HMac said...

Hi! sorry it has been a while, but I was in Kelowna, BC working at a paper - got some front page articles/pictures! but anyways, I feel your pain! haha! my parents sent me picture from Kuwait, where there was actually frozen puddles! atleast here, it has warmed up some from the -40 days...