Thursday, February 7, 2008

Things we learned this week

Profound lessons, every one.

First of all--and this is important, so pay attention--"Extra cheese?", especially in the interrogative mood, does not mean, "Do you want a surplus of cheese over and above what you already have?" That is to say, it is not a hermeneutic intended to uncover the presence or absence of an existential desire for supernumerary slices of cheese.

No, it means more simply, "Do you want cheese? That'll be extra."

"Extra" is in contextual effect a misplaced modifier, and in actual fact a dangling modifier. Dangling like melty cheese, for which I have now paid a surprising extra. We learned this by refusing the "extra cheese," thereby getting no cheese at all.

Also, for the first few months of his schooling, the Emirati girls would often tease Riley, giggling and laughing at the mere pronouncement of his name. He did not mention this, of course, until recently, when he was informed by a smirking colleague that "Riley," phonetically, means "my husband" in Arabic. Well, we gave this a good long Pooh-think, and determined that the appropriate response to the Emirati girls calling him by name would be "You wish!" or "In your dreams, Sweetheart!"

So you can imagine the scene:

Emirati girl asks, "Who knows the most about Canada?"

"Oh," replies another. "That would be Riley."

"You wish!"

Or another scene:

"I'll be in the seat next to Riley."

"In your dreams, Sweetheart!"

It goes without saying that Riley has had neither the courage nor the self-possession to follow through, though he did acknowledge the especial hilarity of the tagline to the accidental pun.

Now he tells us that Riley is in fact meaningless in Arabic, but I think his leg has been pulled yet again, and I intend to ask my students about it this week.

A bit early this time: I won't be able to blog on Friday, or Saturday, or perhaps ever again, if this pace keeps up. Wendy will likely tell you something about Christopher's Arabian birthday. We appreciate, as always, your faith and prayers, etcetera. We're considering a change of school next year, and could use some clarity.

Shout outs: Steve and Camille for having a new baby boy. Especially Camille cuz, well, she actually did the having. But boo-hiss for calling the poor kid "Perry." Ay caramba. I know it's a Clegg name, but c'mon. Congrats to Steve for the promotion. Camille, we hope you recover quick like a bunny.

Adam: for funniest comment almost ever, but on purpose. See Jonahisms.

All y'all for digging us so much and coming back for more. By the way, I've taken restrictions off commenting, so feel free to say a few words now and then. We like knowing you're out there. Ask questions, voice exceptions, make requests, sound off: just keep it clean, and don't ask us to work too hard.

Seacrest out.


mj said...

I give up on learning Arabic. The word I learned for "my husband" was "zowzhee" (زوجي). Too many dialects.

Good luck with the school decision. The schools in Al Ain just don't compare with the amazing American and British schools in Abu Dhabi. They're o.k., but none of them is perfect, and I have strong feelings against some of them. Have you checked out the new school (ENS)? I don't know anything about it but some of our friends moved there this year. Feel free to email us about our opinions on the schools if you want, but in the end we realize it's a very personal decision and you need to go with what you feel is right and best for your family.

Best wishes!

Adam said...

A shout out? For me? I knew if I just hung in there...Appreciate the political lessons. It's nice that you take the time to reveal a bit of your current abode to us. Riley, I'm sure it's tough being the best looking Canadian kid in your class with an Arabic sounding name but it sounds like your making the best of it. Could be worse - it could have meant "my wife" or "my dog" or "my sweaty gym shorts" or something. I hope you guys are having a good time despite the challenges.

Ashley said...

Thanks for the lesson. I'm going to be studying up for next week for sure! It's a lot to take in. I am so sorry about the "cold" weather you are having. At this very moment we are up to -3! Holy tropical.
Riley - sorry I haven't written you personally yet. I will get on that someday. For now, find the inner Jensen and stick up for yourself! I like your dad's suggestions. Sounds like it's too late.
Love you guys!

ec said...

darren and i are dying about the riley story.

i love it.

have you found out the truth from your students, jon...i mean seacrest?

hope all is well.