Saturday, February 16, 2008

Good Clean Fun

When you're young, male, and you don't drink--leastwise not in front of anyone else--I guess you turn to other diversions to compensate for the absence of stupidity brought on by inebriation: - Watch more free videos

It seems you find Darwin Award candidates in every culture: we once saw a kid riding in a shopping cart hurtled toward a sidewalk by his "friends." Of course, his feet got tangled in his dishdash as he tried to bail, so he wiped out pretty nicely in the desert grit, narrowly missing a makeout session with the grill of a Dodge Durango.

Speaking of stupid human tricks involving SUVs:

Then there's this:

How do you say "moxie" in Arabic?

Anyway, we used to bumperski in PG, and in Maple Ridge a favourite neighborhood game was four-square-dodgeball . . . with lawn darts. So testosterone-induced moronism is obviously universal. (No Arabs were hurt in the making of these films: al hamdulillah.)

But lions at parties is a new thing, I should think: and Siegfried and Roy nowhere to be seen. But, you know, they don't have Siegfrieds and Roys here. Clearly.

We suppose we could blog about Arabic language and literature, or lecture disquisitionally on the history of pearl-diving and dhow-making, but quite frankly it's the public behaviours that fascinate us. This is indeed a surprising and sometimes shocking culture, or rather clash of cultures. Must be something in the lookha. Sheesh.

Riley just back from his youth conference in Bahrain. Good times. He made some new friends whose names he cannot recall, and we will have pictures from Shari before long. Next week, all goes well. 'Til then . . . .


Amber said...

Hey! How fun, Riley! Not quite the same as Raymond, I am guessing?! I am way behind on your blog...

Adam said...

It is now that I realize what a dull and riskless life I have led. Next time I'm on the Pat Bay Highway, I'm strapping on the kids' fisher price roller skates and doin' a little freestyle, while driving AND filming...And we're getting a pet cougar.

Jon, Wendy, Riley, Chris, and Jo said...

Roller skates? Those are sandals, dude.

Adam said...

Yes, but I don't have a pair of those.

Jon, Wendy, Riley, Chris, and Jo said...

Just saying: wheels are cheats. Surely Birkenstocks are in abundance in your, um, inlet of the island?

ec said...

so i've shown everyone who will watch, these videos.

i can't get over the lion one.

and those are sandals?

oh boy...

mj said...

Those videos are hilarious (and scary)! Wow. I wouldn't be surprised if this is the kind of stuff that kept B's students busy after class over there... Especially the SUV stunts. :)