Friday, November 16, 2007

Wendys' Say.

it's just me and the kids tonight. Jon is away in Bahrain this weekend. We've had fun staying up late, making waffles in the a.m. and trying to catch up on conference. It took all day to watch 1 session because downloading it was VERY slow. Short spurts of it kinda worked out good though.
Sorry to all you enduring wicked November weather at home. It is like summer here and we are enjoying it. Todays' high was 32. With a light breeze. I can hardly anticipate Christmas though cause it sure doesn't feel like it. Though we have seen Christmas trees in the stores and heard"What Child Is This" chiming in the back ground.
I met a lady at the grocery store this week, rather shocked me. She was covered in her abia and as she passed me said "hello.." I thought she'd mistaken me for someone else. -You have to understand they do not speak unless they are among their own and especially not out loud. She breezed past me and continued..."boy you can find all the candy you want but not what you need..." We were the only ones in the isle. My jaw about hit the floor. The comment was very true. So I ventured to ask her a question about bulgar. She sashied (SP?) over to the bulk section bidding me to follow. She laughed and said "the prices have raised but the incomes do not match" Shocked again. She pointed out what I needed. Later I ran into her again and she asked me about the promotion fish Barracuda. Can't say I've ever had it. She muttered something happily and even cursed a bit. Come to find out she is from Florida. I am still laughing about how out of the usual it was. And rather comforting. The abias' can be intimidating but the few that I have locked eyes with have had a warm and friendliness about them. But never say a word.
I will stop so as not to embarrass my husband any more with my spelling and grammar. I am well and actually really enjoying it here. It has been great for our family. I have gained insights that I am afraid I might have missed or at least have been slower to catch if we hadn't come.
The kids are busy with exams. Rugby in Abu Dhabi tomorrow. We will be going an American Thanksgiving there on Thursday and anticipating a trip to Oman the beginning of next month. Fun times!


Amber said...

Yay! Wendy! I have heard so little from you, I was glad to read your blog entry! I am so glad you guys are liking it!

Ashley said...

I second Amber, it's good to hear that you are liking it there. We sure do miss you here though! Sure Love you guys!

Adam said...

I was starting to wonder if Jon was the only one with time on his hands to write on this thing. I thoroughly enjoy his commentaries, look forward to more, but would love to hear more directly and unabridged from the rest of you as well. Glad to hear you are sincerely having a good time. Care to share any of your insights?

Mom Penny said...

Hi, mom again, just checking if my Google account actually works this time. It was great to see direct info,it has your voice.

Of course I love reading Jonathon's blog entries too. They are always priceless.

Love you boys.xxxx

Mom Penny said...

Yeah!!! It worked!!!!

ec said...

wendy! horray!

so good to hear from you....

i loved your story about the's hard to imagine just how different it is over there.

love you...