Friday, September 14, 2007

Kids' Turn

Posed two questions to each of the kids: 1) What has been the most difficult adjustment? 2) What's the coolest thing about being here?

1) "Missing home." Riley has some pretty great friends in Raymond. But he's making more now that school has started.
2) "The accents." (See Jonah 2 below)

1) Ditto. "The hardest thing was leaving my friends and family in Canada."
2) "We have the church piano at our house, and I've learned how to play some cool hymns."

1) "The floor." We had to sleep on thin mattresses while we waited for our beds to arrive.
2) "Roundabouts" (traffic circles). Pronounced by the Indian cabbies "rownd-uh-bote." They're everywhere. Hence the name of our blog.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You guys are so brave! I'd like to hear more about your experiences over there. How is school? Once again this is Darci