Friday, September 21, 2007

Suspiri ispirati 1

Painting--Jean Leon Gerome, 1879

Lente, lente currite noctis equii (Allahu ackbar)

Given its head, the night runs faster than a man can breathe
Its nostrils pant, its dusky edges heave,
And I am pulled from sleep too soon:
The yellow tones of morning and the morning song
Too early crowed, but not in the cock’s throat.

The call to prayer comes early:
“Our alarm clock,” quipped a friend,
Indicating the humble mosque at his front door.
We have one, too. We all do in this garden city,
This oasis overrun but not yet ruined,

And the mosque with its staggered chorus
Of muezzin fairly owns us, night and day:
There’s hardly time to leave off praying my litany of regrets
From a day spent seeking more help than I had given
Before I’m called back to my knees.

I do not join the sweated worship of the immigrants,
But I think of prayer far more here than ever before,
For God is great indeed, and it is better to pray than sleep,
Even if all one does is pray to sleep a little more
Before the panting night is stabled, brushed, and fed,
And the mu'adhdhin clears his rooster throat.


Ashley said...

Beautiful. Need I say more?

Unknown said...

What a great picture, I would like to come a be with my peopel again.


Unknown said...

"and" "people" I was too fast on the typing

Adam said...

Am I allowed to comment on the comments?

Unknown said...

so where is the new post? I thought you were going to talk about shopping? I was so looking forward to it. This is Darci by-the-by.

ec said...

holy cow jon...amazing.

sounds incredible over there. enjoy it!